
APC recognises that it has a role to play in contributing to global sustainable development. Our primary objective is to deliver maximum shareholder value through the development of stable and sustainable projects whilst acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly.  We want to ensure that our people are safe and well supported, local communities benefit from our presence and we demonstrate strong environmental stewardship.

We continue to invest time, effort and resources into improving our performance to achieve measurable value for our business and the communities in which we operate. We are working towards participation in sustainability benchmarking assessments and our aim is to be recognised for corporate sustainability in the annual assessment of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index – Australia.

In the meantime, we released our inaugural Sustainability Report in 2022 which is available here.  This report measures our sustainability activities against the GSSB Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and our disclosures are informed by the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. We have also considered our contribution to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).

The APC Board takes seriously its oversight responsibilities in relation to the Company’s risk management systems, governance and sustainability programs, environmental and community obligations, ethical standards, codes of conduct and compliance procedures.  It has established the Risk & Sustainability Committee to support its endeavours in this regard.

For more information regarding the Company's Environmental, Social and Governance credentials, please click on the links below:
